Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We welcome Cash to our pack!

I explained to Joel that we needed some cash (this is the Cash we got) :) Joel will be a hunting guide for a local ranch and he needed a partner.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Nice view

The beginning of the end. Half-way through the last cutting of the year.

Good sport!

Joel taking his turn adding twine to the ball of twine.

Ball of Twine event!

Every year they add more twine to the largest ball of twine in Cawker City. Our friends Chuelo and Corrie came over from Missouri to take part in the exciting event. We were all very excited about it. The guy on the right followed you around as you added twine to make sure it was properly tight (very official).

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Afternoon siesta

Hope is having no problem settling in to her new home. 300 acres of land and her favorite spot is in the kitchen on the cool tile. We are all trying to adjust to the heat. Where is the coastal breeze??

What a find!

I found this old wood cook stove at one of the first auctions I attended in Kansas! I was so excited when I bid on it and got it for a great deal. My mother and father were out this last weekend and worked very hard helping us clean it up. It now sits in our kitchen as a great decorative piece. I also store things inside the stove, but we did not set it up to be functional as a working cook stove. Joel and I would starve if I had to heat the stove with wood every time we wanted a warm meal.